Tire Center in New London, CT

Secor Volvo Cars New London CT

Visit Our Secor Volvo Cars Tire Center Today

When it comes to tire service, make your first stop Secor Volvo Cars in New London. Our team of seasoned service professionals is ready to assist drivers with everything from wheel alignment and new tire purchasing to tire rotation and many other tire service needs. If you're looking for a reliable service team to take care of your Windham, CT tire needs, then Secor Volvo Cars is the dealership for you. When you service with us you'll also enjoy free alignment checks and car washes with every service!


Looking for the right tires for your Volvo sedan, wagon or SUV? Our team can walk you through your options and suggest the best tires for your Volvo, all offered at competitive prices. Out of all the tires that are the right size, your Volvo is only designed for a few of them. Cars and tires are engineered together as a system, so it's important to the health of your Volvo to have the correct tires. And no one knows your Volvo better than us. So you can trust us to pair you with tires that match your vehicle perfectly.

Once you purchase your tires, trust our expert factory-trained technicians to complete the job. We offer all major brands, including Continental, Hankook, Michelin, Pirelli, and more. Plus, road hazard coverage is included on eligible tires.


When To Get Your Tires Replaced

If your tread is low, then it's definitely time to get a new set of tires. You can easily tell whether your tread is low using the Lincoln penny method. Place a penny in the tract of your tire tread and if you can see the top of Lincoln's head, then your tread might be less than ideal. For safety sake it's important to get your tires replaced to avoid an accident. On fresh tires your vehicle can stop quicker, helping you avoid a possible collision.

Secor Volvo Cars New London CT



Reach out to our team to schedule a tire service appointment. Whether you know your tires need replacing or you're looking to have our team decide that; we are ready to help. Have questions? Give us a call, or submit an inquiry today.



Contact Secor Volvo Cars today to order your tires, consult our experts or schedule service.